4 benefits of drinking apple cider vinegar everyday

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Apple cider vinegar is mostly apple juice, but adding yeast turns the sugar into the juice into alcohol.  This is a process called fermentation.  Bacteria turn the alcohol into acetic acid.  It's what gives vinegar its sour taste and strong smell.

 Apple cider vinegar has a long history as a home remedy, used to treat things like sore throat and varicose veins.  There is much science to support the claims.  But in recent years, some researchers have been taking a closer look at apple cider vinegar and its possible benefits.

If you are fond of reading ebooks, then you can read full Health Benefits Of Drinking Apple Cider Vinegar Everyday That may help you a lot and you will surprise to know that how much apple cider vinegar is beneficial to us. 

 High in healthful substances

Apple Cider vinegar is made via a two-step process.

 First, the manufacturer exposes crushed apples to yeast, which ferments the sugars and turns them into alcohol.  Next, they add bacteria to further ferment the alcohol, turning it into acetic acid - the main active compound in vinegar.

 Acetic acid gives vinegar its strong sour smell and flavor.  Researchers believe this acid is responsible for apple cider vinegar’s health benefits.  Cider vinegars are 5–6% acetic acid. Organic, unfiltered Apple Cider vinegar also contains a substance called mother, which consists of strands of proteins, enzymes, and friendly bacteria that give the product a murky appearance.

 Some people believe that the mother is responsible for most of its health benefits, although there are currently no studies to support this.  While Apple Cider vinegar does not contain many vitamins or minerals, it offers a small amount of potassium.  Good quality brands also contain some amino acids and antioxidants.

Related products : 

Can help kill harmful bacteria

 Vinegar can help kill pathogens, including bacteria. People have traditionally used vinegar for cleaning and disinfecting, treating nail fungus, lice, warts, and ear infections.

 Hippocrates, the father of modern medicine, used vinegar to clean wounds more than 2,000 years ago.

 Vinegar is also a food preservative, and studies show that it inhibits bacteria like E. coli from growing in and spoiling food. If involved looking for a natural way to preserve your food, Apple Cider vinegar could help.

 Anecdotal reports are also suggest that diluted Apple Cider vinegar could help with acne when applied to the skin, but there seems to be any strong research to confirm this.

May help lower blood sugar levels and manage diabetes

 To date, one of the most convincing applications of vinegar is helping treat type 2 diabetes. Type 2 diabetes is characterized by high blood sugar levels caused by insulin resistance or the inability to produce insulin.

 However, people without diabetes can also benefit from keeping their blood sugar levels in the normal range, as some researchers believe that high blood sugar levels are a major cause of aging and various chronic diseases. The most effective and healthiest way to regulate blood sugar levels is to avoid refined carbs and sugar, but apple cider vinegar may also have a beneficial effect.

May boost skin health

 Apple Cider vinegar is a common remedy for skin conditions like dry skin and eczema.  The skin is naturally slightly acidic.  Using topical apple cider vinegar could help rebalance the natural pH of the skin, improving the protective skin barrier.

 On the other hand, alkaline soaps and cleansers could irritate eczema, making symptoms worse.
Given its antibacterial properties, apple cider vinegar could, in theory, help prevent skin infections linked to eczema and other skin conditions.

 Some people use diluted Apple Cider vinegar in a facewash or toner.  The idea is that it can kill bacteria and prevent spots. However, one study in 22 people with eczema reported that apple cider vinegar soaks did not improve the skin barrier and caused skin irritation. Talk to your healthcare provider before trying new remedies, especially on damaged skin.  Avoid applying undiluted vinegar to the skin, as it can cause burns.

To know more about apple cider vinegar that how much apple cider vinegar is beneficial to us, then 

You can check these products
Apple Cider vinegar

Side effects of drinking too much tea which you should know

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Hello guys  welcome to our blog, today we'll know about disadvantages of drinking too much tea that how it become our addiction and how it is bad for our health.

A lot of people like drinking tea too much. But tea has some side effects that may be bad for your health. Consumption of excessive tea may have certain side effects that you may have not know until now. Here are some side effects of tea you should keep in mind.

You will surprised to know that the consumption volume of tea in india was approximately one billion kilograms during the financial year 2019. Consumption of this hot beverage has increased consistently.

Can't live without your daily cup of tea? Well, you are not alone. For many of us, how good or bad our day goes is often linked with how we start it and a cup of tea is perhaps the most popular way to kick start your day.

So let's know what are the disadvantages of drinking tea

1. Bloating 

Have you ever feel bloated after some time of drinking tea? If yes, then it is caffeine which is present in tea cause bloated in your stomach. Bloating cause the belly to look larger than usual. In bloating , abdomen feels full and tight. 

2. Dehydration 

Drinking too much tea can cause dehydration. If you are drinking excessive tea than you are absorbing excessive caffeine. Excessive consumption of caffeine means you are reducing the absorption ability of your tubules which can make you dehydrated. If it happens to you , then you should reduce the amount of drinking tea.

3. May decrease the absorption of iron

Excessive consumption of caffeine from tea may hinder the iron and some essential nutrients by body. And lack of iron in the body may cause Anemia and feel tiredness in body all the time. 

Some study shows that consumption of black tea may decrease the absorption of iron. And excessive consumption of tea may hinder the absorption of some essential nutrients by the body. 

4. It can be addiction

Drinking too much tea can be addicted to us. Caffeine inside the tea is the reason that it become addiction to us. When tea lover don't get tea at the same time , it can leave them weary and irritative. At this time, addiction can bring down their energy level. Sometimes people can feel fatigue and headache until they don't get their daily dosage of tea.

5. Sleeplessness 

Drinking too much tea may distrubance in sleep. Caffeine inside tea is the reason that it may cause insomnia and restlessness . It may leading to anxiety too. Absorption of excessive tea is a bad habit. Drinking tea just before bed time, may cause sleep disturbance.

6. Constipation 

Some peoples who have lactose intolerance may cause constipation after drinking a cup of tea. People with lactose intolerance problem may cause gastrointestinal problem quickly after drinking tea. It may be constipated as well as bloated stomach.

Anything when consumed in excessive amount may cause some disadvantages but if anything is consumed in limit, then we can have its benefits.
So, before consumption of anything we should know about its benefits and disadvantages.

Except this, if you are a tea lover and never face these problems then check these products of Herbal tea


Remedies you should try once to remove unwanted facial hair permanently

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Hello guys, welcome to our blog today we'll talking about unwanted facial hair. Why these hairs are growing regularly and some remedies you should try once.

Everybody wants to look beautiful and attractive. Everybody try some different ways to look beautiful. But sometimes we have some problems like unwanted facial hair growth regularly which hindrance in our natural beauty. To get rid of unwanted facial hair growth, everybody try some remedies and some expansive products. But couldn't get rid of them.

First of all we should know about unwanted facial hair growth that why these are growing on regular basis.

Hormone imbalance

Some people have hormone imbalance in their body. An imbalance in hormone may caused by high stress, lack of sleep,unhealthy diet and some other serious health problems. Hormone imbalance in body means increasing in the level of men hormone ( Testosterone ) in female body that cause excessive hair growth.

If you continuously facing this problem and want to get rid of this problem. Then go with practical program of delicious recipes to boost energy and balance your hormone.



Regular use of some medications may cause excessive hair growth. Some medications can lead to growth of unwanted hair growth. We should be careful to prevent excessive hair growth on face because these medications have properties to promote the testosterone level in body. And there are some ointment also which can lead to increase facial hair growth. 

And there are some other health problems which may be cause of having excessive hair.

Home remedies to remove unwanted facial hair

Lemon juice and Sugar 

This is the ancient way to remove unwanted facial hair. At that time people used to have this home remedies to remove unwanted facial hair growth. To make this remedy, first we'll add lemon juice and Sugar with a little amount of water. And after this stir it well to dissolve the sugar properly until the sugar becomes a sticky paste. Apply it on opposite side of facial hair. And after 20 minutes you can rub it on opposite direction of facial hair growth. And then wash it with water.

Lemon juice, sugar, honey and gram flour

Gram flour that has been used since ancient times for facial care and many other facial problems like pimples, 
Sunburn etc. It is also used to remove unwanted facial hair. Take 2 tablespoons of gram flour, 1 tablespoon of sugar, a little amount of honey and mix this with 1 tablespoon of lemon juice. Mix it well and apply on face in opposite direction of facial hair. And after 20 minutes you can wash it with lukewarm water.

Papaya and turmeric

Take 2 tablespoons of papaya pulp paste, 1/2 tablespoon of turmeric and 5 tablespoons of aloe vera jel. Mix it well in a bowl and apply on face in opposite direction of facial hair growth. After 20 minutes minutes you can remove it by rubbing in opposite direction of facial hair growth. 

Egg and cornstarch

Take egg white from one egg, half a tablespoon of cornstarch and a tablespoon of sugar then mix it well in a bowl and apply on face in opposite directions of facial hair growth. After 20 minutes you can peel it off in the opposite direction of facial hair to get rid of unwanted facial hair.

You can try these Facial hair removal products 

Powerful health benefits of eating oats and oatmeal in breakfast

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Hello guys welcome to our blog today we'll talking about benefits of adding oats in your diet.

Oats is one of the healthiest grains on earth. Not only it is gluten free, but it is an excellent source of important vitamins, minerals, fiber, and antioxidants. As we know that oats helps us in weight loss.

Oats have many health benefits. Mostly people like eating oats in the breakfast. It is rich in vitamins and minerals.

Benefits of eating oats

1. Helps in control weight

Did you ever think oats or oatmeal could help control your weight? Yes, according to a research study oatmeal known as β-glucan reduces appetite by increasing the hunger-fighting hormone cholecystokinin. 

2. Promote antioxidant activities

Oats promote antioxidant activities in our body. It contains polyphenols, which are plant based compound which are rich in avenanthramides. Antioxidants are important because they protect your cells from free radicals, which are molecules you produce through metabolism and exposure to environmental toxins. 

3. It contains plenty of vitamins and minerals

Oatmeal is rich in nutrients that contains many vitamins and minerals while being low in calories. It contains magnesium, iron, phosphorus, zinc, vitamins etc. These minerals help a person to maintain a healthy weight.

4. Prevent constipation

Everybody affects gastrointestinal problems at some point of life. Oats has fibre that helps us in movement of food waste in intestine which helps to prevent constipation and relieve gastrointestinal problems.

5. Reduce blood sugar level
Oats contains soluble fibre that helps insulin to improve and reduce blood sugar level. People who have diabetes problem should add oatmeal in their diet to improve their blood sugar level. They should not add much sugar in their diet.

You can try these natural Whole grain oats

Lactose intolerance can cause these harmful effects to the body

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Hello guys, Welcome to our blog today we'll talking about harmful effects of lactose intolerance to our body.

First of all, we'll know that what is lactose intolerance? And how it is bad for our body. So, lactose intolerance is caused by the deficiency of an enzyme in the body called lactase. When body becomes unable to digest lactose which is present in daily products called lactose intolerance.

Body of that people who has this lactose intolerance problem do not produce much lactase enzyme to break down lactose. When lactose doesn't digest properly, it sits down in our intestines and this lactose break down by bacteria which causes gases, bloating, stomach cramps, diarrhoea and sometimes constipation. 

This problem starts suddenly, even if you don't ever face this problem with daily products before. If you ignore it you can face digestive problems and sometimes even vomiting about 30 minutes to 2 hours after eating dairy products. The dairy products you consumed completely pass through you digestive system within 48 hours.

There is not a cure for lactose intolerance and not any treatment to make your body to produce more lactase enzyme. But you can manage it if you limit your consumption of dairy products or eat less food that contains dairy products.

Symptoms -


After some time of eating dairy products you can face with bloating. Stomach will look like bloated and will make you uncomfortable.

Cramps in stomach

You can face this problem after eating dairy products. Pain or cramps in stomach make you uncomfortable.

Weird sound in belly 

Dairy products makes you uncomfortable with gurgling and rumbling sounds in lower belly.


Too much consumption of dairy products like milk, cheese, yogurt makes gas in your stomach and intestines. It makes too much gas in your stomach and makes you uncomfortable. It makes too much gas that you will fart most of time.


Dairy products can make your stool loose or diarrhea. After consumption of dairy products you can face to go toilet again and again. It makes your stomach upset.

Fatigue and headache 

Sometimes after consuming of too much dairy products you can face more fatigue and headache in your body because of diarrhea, bloating and gas.

Dairy products you should avoid if you have lactose intolerance

Ice cream
Butter milk

If you are searching for dairy free cookbook : Best dairy free cookbook for lactose intolerance  

You can eat these in place of dairy products

- All fresh cooked and plain meat
- Fish and poultry
- Cooked dried peas and beans
- Eggs
- Peanut butter
- Nuts and Seeds
- Soyabean and it's products
- Tofu 

Health benefits of different types of tea. Tea makes our skin tone dark or white?

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Hello guys, welcome to our blog. Today we are talking about tea, that tea is the reason to make our skin tone darker or it whiten our skin or is it a myth ?

Our skin tone determines the color of our complexion and personality. It can change due to various reason but tea is not the reason to make our skin tone darker. Drinking like tea, coffee and even other caffeinated drinks basically don't have any effect on our skin tone. This is a myth that drinking tea make our skin tone darker.

Tea contains antioxidants and it is good for our health. It prevents us from heart disease.

Side effects of drinking tea 

But drinking too much tea can cause dehydration which may result in a change in the skin. The dehydrated skin looks dry and lifeless which looks like skin tone become darker. But reason is not tea , this is dehydration that make our skin dry and lifeless. And consumption of excessive tea cause dehydration.

Tea can cause bloating after some time of drinking if you consume it too much. Bloated belly can make you uncomfortable.

But if you find your skin tone change, it is not because of tea. It may be from your daily activities like lack of sleep, having more stress and some other health problems.

This is a myth that drinking tea can make our skin tone darker. People thinks that reason behind change in skin tone is tea. But our skin tone may be change due to exposure in sun and other health problems. Sunlight can make our skin tone darker.

Tea contains -

1. Tea contains sugar which have no health benefits and it contains water and milk which have some health benefits.

2. Tea leaves contains caffeine which is good when consumed in little amount like when we are studying during exam and we feel sleepy then Caffeine boost our energy level and activeness.

3. Tea contains ginger and tulsi which is good for our health and it has antibacterial and antioxidant properties. That is why when we have cough and fever ,Ginger tulsi tea strongly recommended.

So, tea is good if not consumed too much. There is not any ingredient in tea which make our skin tone darker.

Which tea make our skin brighter and whiter?

Tea can makes our skin brighter and whiter. This is because of green tea. Green tea is great for your skin.  It contains antioxidants, specifically polyphenols, as well as tannins, which are an astringent.  The antioxidants fight signs of ageing while tannins cause the skin to tighten, shrinking pores as well as mildly exfoliating the skin.  It is also anti-inflammatory, so it can reduce some of the redness associated with acne. So, we can say that green tea makes our skin brighter and shiny.

Health benefits of different types of tea

White tea 

White tea is rich in antioxidants. It contains polyphenols which are plant based molecules that act as antioxidants inside the body.

White tea may reduce the risk of heart diseases. Tea which contains polyphenols help to relax the blood vessels and boost our immune system.
The compounds in white tea may help protect our skin from the effects of aging. It has anti aging properties.

Green tea 

It may improve our brain function. 
If you want to lose weight then Green tea is the best for you. You should drink green tea everyday to lose weight. If you want to remove extra fat from belly, face, waist and some other parts of the body then Green tea is best for you.

Green tea may help to reduce bad breath. If you have bad breath problem then green tea is best for you . To improve you breathe. 

Green tea may help to prevent diabetes also. Studies show that green tea may improve insulin sensitivity and reduce blood sugar levels which helps to prevent diabetes. 
Green tea has many health benefits.

Black tea 

It also have antioxidant properties.
Black tea contains another group of antioxidants called flavonoids, which benefit heart health.
Adding black tea to your daily routine is an easy way to incorporate antioxidants into your diet.

It may improve your gut health.
The polyphenols found in Black tea may help maintain a healthy gut by promoting the growth of good bacteria and inhibiting the growth of bad bacteria.

Black tea may help to reduce blood pressure. 
Drinking Black tea on a daily basis, as well as incorporating other lifestyle modifications like stress management strategies, may benefit those with high blood pressure.

6 skin whitening tips to lighten your skin tone naturally

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